Friday, April 8, 2011

Blog 13: Revision of CAT #1

     In the article "The Dangers of Reality TV" by Timothy Sexton,the author states that" reality television reinforces several unsound messages that are molding the minds of its young fans". He continues pinpointing that reality TV are showing out hazardous messages concentrated on the importance of competition, that education is completely unnecessary, and that image rather than ability. Sexton explains that "reality TV shows reinforce the idea that life is nothing but a competition that we continually engage in with each other", this is why industries merge in a monopoly market where the most important key to success now day is competition. He finish mentioning that the education on reality TV shows is completely unnecessary to success. They only need to have a good image, personality, and the ability to humiliate themselves.

      I agree with Sexton when he argues that "reality television reinforces several unsound messages that are molding the minds of its young fans" because reality shows are non-informatives and non-educational.

      Now day in American society reality TV shows are one of the most watched programs for people, from "sixteen and pregnant" through "bad girls". I'm not used to watch this kind of programs on the TV because first at all, I don’t have much time to do it and either I will spend my little free time watching reality TV shows that doesn’t leave any good education more than brainwash with people showing their privacy, fights, and naked. Reality shows are showing the viewers that all they are watching is Okay or leaving you a lesson, but unfortunately is not so and the worst they are causing the opposite.

     The other day, i went to my friend house and she was watching a program called " teen moms", which is about teen moms grappling to raise their child and record their life at the same time. But for me they are teaching that to be a teen mom or have sex an early age is okay. Instead of teaching young teen people the opposite that is not good to be a teen mom because it "cut your wings" in a way to your future goals. A baby an early age change your life in 180°. A baby limited you in many aspects like to deprive of certain things because now. There is a baby to take care and need your attention as a mother. I think it has a very bad influence on young people promoting sex because young people tend to do or believe that whatever they see on TV it is right and true.

     Contrary to focus in the education that is more important, as Sexton comments, education is totally unnecessary on reality TV, so "why go to school and face the difficulties of learning something". If the easiest way to get lots money is going to a reality TV show.

     Education it is the most important necessity to succeed in the life. Six years ago when i lived in Chile i was watching TV and they were showing a reality TV show called "fama" or fame. One of my friend loved the program and was totally freaking out with "fama". Once he realized that a reality TV show was a easy way to be famous, make money, and without the necessity to have education. My friend leave her studies, became very famous, and also made lots of money, But her money and fame did not last long because she did not have an education and unfortunately a person without education in Chile has very few opportunities to be successful.

     In conclusion, I Think that reality shows doesn't have anything positive or Educational. Otherwise people have to get away from these bad influence because we know that education is the key to success instead image or competition.

Blog 12: Summary and Response to "Red Pill or Blue Pill?"

     In the article" Red pill or blue pill is ignorance bliss? adapted by "The Matrix, liberal education, and other splinters in the mind" by Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcolmson. Explain to us similarities between the Alice's Wonderland story and the movie" The Matrix".

     Cornell and Malcolmson explain to us that Neo and Alice were gone" through a mirror" to a new world subjecting them to a series of experiences, where all of these changes keep them in a big confusion which leave them questioning who they are? What is real? Or are they dreaming?.

     Cornel and Malcolmson continued with" The Allegory of The Cave about liberation of one of the prisoners from the light of the cave that is a "shadowy" world to the light of the sun, that is the real world. Outside of the cave to the bright light is an unpleasant and painful experience. "As Morpheus explains to Neo", he had never used his eyes before, so now he is seeing the truth of pain, hurt and the real world.

     However, the authors continue comparing a difference between "The Matrix" and "The Allegory of the cave" from Plato's Republic. Socrates describes the outside world of the cave as "more beautiful" full of sunlight. On the other hand, Morpheus describes the real world as "The Desert of the Real" dark and phony. Despite Plato and the Wachowski brothers show us in a different way the real world, they definitely agree that "freedom is not something that most people are going to be inclined towards or be receptive to".

     Cypher, Morpheus's crew had a conversation with agent Smith where he realize that ignorance is bliss because people believe what they see or hear, but once facts are out they ignore everything around them for their safety. In addition, Cypher prefers ignorance instead to have to take orders from some one else, he wants to be free to do what he wants including restraints and responsibilities.

     They finish the article pointing that "The Matrix" leaves a question about us "why do we want to know the truth?. They also agree that most people would not choose ignorance instead of the real world. Independently if truth brings disappoint, "it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied".

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blog 11: Responding to a significant topic in The Truman Show

1.I would Choose to live in Cristoff’s world because everything is innocent. Seems that in Cristoff’s world there is no malice or any delinquent tendencies. By any means necessary Truman was protected…

2.At the same time would I be comfortable with people lying to me. Obviously if you don’t know the truth sometimes you won’t feel the pain of being lied to.

3. We live based on lies. And while growing up and maturing we keep noticing that our world is not as perfect as it seems to be. Its easy to manipulate s person based on lies. That we was once innocent until we were able to realize the truth. Once we noticed the truth about society instead of us making changes for the better we continue to accept the malice. We lost that innocent self in our lives.

4. Christoff wants to eliminate him from “learning” that the outside world is not perfect. He wants him to stay innocent. So that he won't learn the wrong doing that our society lives by. Examples Accidents, infidelity, corruption, and homelessness.

5. The problem he left in Truman’s world was deceive. In one of the scenes he walks into an elevator and tries to use it. The elevator was actually a set of the community. Instead of it being real it was put there to deceive Truman into thinking its real.

Carolina & Julio.......We had problems doing the work so we tried team work.