Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 4: Revision of "Hype."

Have you ever thing about how polluted our vision is with television commercials and publicity  announcements? . The other day I was reading an article “ Hype”  written by Kalle Lasn where he states that “ Advertisement are the most prevalent and toxic of all the mental pollutants”. Lasn also says that “ every day and estimated twelve billion display advertisements , three million radio commercials are dumped into north American’s collective unconscious”. Now advertisements are placed everywhere we go ; billboards . Buses , stadiums. Even youth children in the classroom watch snickers and Pepsi advertisements , and if you are driving in a country side you can see gigantic billboards all over the place. Lasn ends saying that with all these advertisement “ there is nowhere to run”.

Even if we try to run away from all these advertisements , it would be impossible to achieve, because there is not a place where you cant find them, even people is wearing these kind of publicity  promoting the brand.

I do not agree with Lasn when he says that “ Advertisement are the most prevalent and toxic of mental pollutants” because for me they are very interesting and fun, very relay able  and informative.

Now day  is true that no one escapes these commercials , even if you try you will not make it. In fact you just have to look at the electronic devices  , look at the time in the clock , or at the person that is next to you in the train with sunglasses or in any other place where companies can imagine  that we  might look at, what these companies try to achieve with this is  promote their product and to make people buy their product. I think that they really achieve their goal with their publicity.

On the other side we have the television commercials  and/or radio, billboards all around public transportation. Just like Lasn many people must believe that all these advertisements are absurd and useless, but I believe that many of them have never thought in all the work that is behind each of those advertisements. About how hard these people have to work to create these publicity. I consider myself a consumerist because many times I’ve fallen in these publicity when I see all these stores having all sorts of sales.

In conclusion all these advertisement will be around you forever and you can not avoid them. Make the best of these advertisement and learn or take something positive about them.

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