Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 8: Developing Your Summary and Response to "I Know the Truth, so Don't Bother Me with Facts"

     In the article “I know the true, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” what is being discussed is how humans have become extremely gullible. Despite the facts that have been presented through extensive research it seems that humans are more likely to dismiss new information: instead of embracing it. Although research continues to look into such ignorant behavior and study why it exist no conclusive results have been drawn. The main goal is to some how discover a way in which we can all find a common ground in which all that is spoken is supported with actual facts.
     I agree with Kluger when he states that “Humans have long been dupes, easily deceived by rumors and flat-out lies” because it is easy to manipulate people’s belief with different kind of facts, people’s beliefs are contradicted when subjects are presented with data.
     One case is that people believe on what they want to believe, but most of the time their belief are affected and make them doubt. On what they have believed the reason they are weakened when shown them with facts the beliefs that they had to a certain point of view totally erroneous.
This prove how easy it is to manipulate people’s belief system, but this does not mean that these evidence make people change on what they have believed before.
     Another case that contradicts people’s belief is for example; when we were young one of our common question to our parents is how babies are born? And when they face this situation is a little uncomfortable to explain or perhaps we are too young and won’t be able to understand, they make us believe that a bird called “Stork” is the one in charge to make and bring babies to the world. Even in cartoons you are going to see a stork carrying babies on the sky and leaving them on people’s homes, this make us grow up with this kind of thoughts, until we start school. There they show and teach us how really babies are born, at the beginning will be contradictory to us, but later as we mature, understand things and change the way we think about things that we believed at the beginning.
     In conclusion, we get to know that there are some of the factors that can prove us that we are mistaken to something, but it is up everyone to believe on what we want. The important thing here is on what we believe, make us happy because no body could come and make us change ours opinion.

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