Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blog 22: Watching and Responding to The Story Of Stuff

          I disagree with President Eisenhower’s Council of Economic Advisors Chairman said that “The American economy’s ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods because by doing this they are destroying our world and ourselves as a collateral effect. With his point of view he is just seeing our present and he is not concerned about our future generation.

          President Eisenhower instead of concerned in make us consumer goods, he should have been focused in giving us a better education because with a better education we could have made ecological products to help save the world, rebuild our society, and ultimately get a better future.

          Another purpose could have been to have a better and prosperous health, reducing sick people ratio with immunizations and cheaper or free cost in medical consults. Also, encouraging adolescents to follow the path of medicine by giving them scholarships, so they can follow this career.

          In conclusion, I think that the chairman of the economic council has been concerned in the wrong issues, leaving aside the biggest world problem “poverty”. Poverty is a massive problem and should be taken very seriously.    

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog 21: Summary and Response to "The New Industrial Migrants"

          In the 1980s people started too immigrated to rural Colorado. During one eighteen month period, more than five thousand different people were employed at the Greeley beef plant, in a turnover average around 400 percent worker quit or was fired every three months. Today, many workers cannot speak or read English; many of them are Mexican immigrants. The staring payment is $9.28 per hours, but this is around one third what it was forty years ago. Now health insurance is offered for workers, vacation pay, after a year, but these workers will never get these benefits because they are fired before they can obtain them.

          In the article “the new industrial immigrants” by Eric Schlosser talks about the annual rates of turnover of immigrants in a meatpacking industries and all the advantages that these industries have accost(Acosta) of these immigrants. Health insurances are very expensive, so obviously for these industries hiring people before six months which are the time frame for these factories to make this valid for their workers. I think these industries are abusing these immigrants. Obviously they are immigrants which need money to survive and feed their families, but this is not a reason to use people like they did it.

          The IBP was a trailblazer was among the first to recognize that immigrants work for lower wages than American citizens. To maintain the flow IBP send recruiting team to poor communities to gather new workers. The proportion of illegal workers in some slaughterhouses is about one-quarter and in others can be higher. Spokesmen for IBP and the ConAgra Beef Company states that “We do not knowingly hire undocumented workers”. The nation’s meatpacking communities are being borne the large real cost of migrant industrial workforce.

          Schlosser also writes that illegal immigrants have been paid fewer wages than American to maintain big companies. I am from Chile since I can remember America is pictured as the place where your dreams will come true, but when I came here I realized that it isn’t true. You have to work very hard, and if you are illegal is much more complicated to success in this country and make your dreams true. In some works even though you may be better than someone else just because you are an immigrant and you do not speak English you are discriminate and paid less.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog 19: In Defense of Food

What items in Pollan's advice make sense to you?

Which could you implement right away?

Which seem hard to do or farfetched?

Which you wish you could do, but your present lifestyle does not make possible?         

           The items that really makes sense to me is to cook at home, eat at a table, and not alone because I dont spent to much time with my familiy and when i am at home sometimes i go to eat in my bed. I could implement right away should be to don’t eat anything that my grandma wouldn’t recognize as food and to avoid food products that are unfamiliar to me. To plant a garden seems hard to me because leaving in an apartment it is impossible to do it. To plant a garden is something I wish I could do, but my present life style does not let me do it. I really wish in a future eat fresh food.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog 17: Summarizing and Responding to "The End of Overeating."

         The article “XXXL” by Elizabeth Kolbert began referring to a former commissioner of the food and drug administration, David A Kessler. Kessler argues that processed food is making people addicted to it. Food industries are fashioning products so they become addictive. Fashioning is also known as “eatertainment” which fat, sugar, and salt are the principal elements in foods. Kessler continues comparing Cinnabons and Starbucks’ strawberries & Crème Frappuccinos as drugs. By doing researches on rats Kessler proves that rats’ brains react to sweet and fat foods the same way as an addict respond to cocaine.

        I think David A. Kessler is right when he mentions that processed food makes people addicted to it because it is not easy to stop eating it and it is like a drug for our body.

        Fast food companies are adding addictive ingredients to the food we ingest daily such as sugar, fat, and salt. These elements as Kessler mentions in the article are “the crucial elements” which are increasing people’s cravings and making them addicted to it. Several times I caught myself craving “Crush” which is my favorite drink and I cannot stop drinking it. Once I had taste it I feel satisfied, but also wanting another one. Even though I know that is very bad for my body because it is not more than sugar and fattening me, but it is my addiction and my brain that needs “crush” sugar every single day to be satisfied as an addict need a dose of drug.

        In addition, these companies are introducing new products and also they are trying to get people attention making their food visually disable as possible. Now Days companies are all the same, McDonald’s and Burger King are making bigger their meals and they are adding toys for kids in “happy meals” to catch kid’s attention. There is nothing wrong, but these companies are doing this to keep their consumers excited and also keeping them to buy their food. Starbucks is another company which is making people addicted. Their variety kind of coffees is really a drug for people, but the funny in these frappuccinos sold in Starbucks’s is that coffee is the least that they include in them. My best friend weakness it is Starbucks frappuccinos, every day he has to get his coffee drug as he call it, but frappuccinos the least they have is coffee.

        In conclusion, I think that these food companies have been doing an excellent job keeping us addicted to their food. Nevertheless, these companies are giving unhealthy high caloric food just to make profit. Even though there are some companies which have the calories for the aliments that people are consuming, but they still have it anyway. I think that it is up to the people to decide what way of life they want to have unhealthy or healthy.

Blog 16: Revision of CAT #2

          In the article “Imitation of Film: Here’s smoking at you. Kid” by Nicholas Balakar, states that children between 10 to 14 ages are more likely to start smoking if they see actors smoke in the movies. Balakar also says that researchers had shown that the 38% of children in imitation of movies start smoking. He continues saying that Dr. Sargent acknowledges that those results were showing only to the youngest adolescents and that “the report did not preclude the possibility that smoking began before the children saw these movies“. Balakar finishes saying that “the strength of findings should be taken very seriously”.

          I disagree with Balakar when he says that children start smoking if they have seen actors smoke in the movies because there are others reasons for children to start smoking.

          Children can start smoking because they want to be seen as adults. During the past adults were people who could get married, drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, and drive. I think that children are trying to get adults’ attention, and one way of doing it is to do things that only adults can do. Children are imitating other role models. Dr. Sargent admits that there is a possibility that smoking began before the children saw these movies. I had an experience where my best friend began smoking when he was 15 years old because most of his friends were older than him and also they were smokers. Because of this my friend didn’t find a better idea than to start smoking too, to be seen and treated as an adults like all his friends.

          Another reason children start smoking might be that their parents are smokers. Parents’ education is totally important for children because if they do not advice and teach their children what are the good and the bad things that they are supposed to do, or the things a person at their age should do. I started smoking when I was 16 years old. Both of my parents smoke too, but the difference is that my parents were always telling me what was right and wrong for a child, and among all of their advices not to smoke was one of them. I cannot blame my parents to be a smoker because everyone is free to take any decision. I really do not know why I started smoking, but it was not because of movies, I just did it. I know that it is really bad for health and I should stop smoking, but is not so easy to do it. It is very relaxing especially when I am stressed.

          In conclusion, we can see there are lots of reasons for children to start smoking, not just because of movies. Also, children’s smoking is a massive problem and should be taken very seriously.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog 15 - Part I: Summarizing the Stories and Part II: Responding to a Factory Farming Issue

     In the film “The Meatrix”, Leo is a pig living a normal life. One day Moopheus comes to see Leo and invited him to know what the real world is. In the mid 20th century agriculture factories began to reorganize families farming to amplify their benefits for animals and humans. Animals were packed in cruel conditions most of them never see the sunlight or breathe fresh air. Moopheus continues mentioning that corporate machines to fix this problem began horrible practices such as adding antibiotics to their feed just to keep them alive . This antibiotics’ overuse is causing a big epidemic that is impossible to control. Farming corporations have been destroying communities causing the disappearance of million of farms and the worst is that if they continue with this they will finish with all the family farms.

     “The matrix: Revolting” People have realized where their food come from ,and started to buy healthier food. Then, moopheus showed Leo through of the Meatrix illusion, what really family farms are. Now days family farms doesn’t look as family farms, these places are totally in unhealthy condition and the worst is that our food such as milk, cheese, and eggs comes from them. Moopheus continues explaining that despite of the antibiotic over used these bad condition are making animal sick. He finish explaining Leo how easy cow disease can be spread by calves being feed blood for died cows.

     In the “The Meatrix II½” one of the agents talks to Moopheus explaining that all the importance to factories is profit. The dangerous working conditions are terrible, their insane need for speed is causing manure’s escape into the meat generating a big damage to humanity.

  Part II: Respondig to a Factory Farming Issue

      The most important issue for family farms in my opinion is addicting additives to processed food because “ it’s almost impossible to eat food without preservatives added by manufactures”, despite that the (FDA) food and drug administration approved food additives for humans, but this doesn’t mean that additives are not affecting our health.

     There are numerous food additives that are contemplated fit for humans. Flavorings is one of them which change a food’s taste, preservatives which increase its ledge life, and sulfites which are used to prevent discoloration . Additives are causing health problems such as allergic reactions or asthma which can result fatal respiratory distress in a person’s life. So this is why the FDA now constrict sulfite to use some types of foods, and they be inserted on products labels.

     Common preservatives are prop ionic acid, which prevents mold in bread, nitrates and nitrites, which prevent discoloration in meat, and sodium benzoate, which prevent bacterial growth.

      Also, flavoring is another common additive its job is to create smell and taste food to make it appealing to consumers. Some common flavor additives such as fruit flavors, butter, sweeteners are found in natural and artificial forms, but the difference between them depends of the flavor and way it was derived. Natural are often using as chemical manipulation as those used to create artificial flavors. But in some cases there is not difference between them. Food manufacturers are using natural flavors because the term “natural” is appealing to consumers but ,actually these can be more hazardous than artificial flavors.

     According to the reading on the website we can realize that processed food is composed for different kind of additives causing us health problems. Processed food is a massive problem and should be taken very seriously. I think that we should avoid food additives by eating fresh, unprocessed foods grown by local farmers.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blog 13: Revision of CAT #1

     In the article "The Dangers of Reality TV" by Timothy Sexton,the author states that" reality television reinforces several unsound messages that are molding the minds of its young fans". He continues pinpointing that reality TV are showing out hazardous messages concentrated on the importance of competition, that education is completely unnecessary, and that image rather than ability. Sexton explains that "reality TV shows reinforce the idea that life is nothing but a competition that we continually engage in with each other", this is why industries merge in a monopoly market where the most important key to success now day is competition. He finish mentioning that the education on reality TV shows is completely unnecessary to success. They only need to have a good image, personality, and the ability to humiliate themselves.

      I agree with Sexton when he argues that "reality television reinforces several unsound messages that are molding the minds of its young fans" because reality shows are non-informatives and non-educational.

      Now day in American society reality TV shows are one of the most watched programs for people, from "sixteen and pregnant" through "bad girls". I'm not used to watch this kind of programs on the TV because first at all, I don’t have much time to do it and either I will spend my little free time watching reality TV shows that doesn’t leave any good education more than brainwash with people showing their privacy, fights, and naked. Reality shows are showing the viewers that all they are watching is Okay or leaving you a lesson, but unfortunately is not so and the worst they are causing the opposite.

     The other day, i went to my friend house and she was watching a program called " teen moms", which is about teen moms grappling to raise their child and record their life at the same time. But for me they are teaching that to be a teen mom or have sex an early age is okay. Instead of teaching young teen people the opposite that is not good to be a teen mom because it "cut your wings" in a way to your future goals. A baby an early age change your life in 180°. A baby limited you in many aspects like to deprive of certain things because now. There is a baby to take care and need your attention as a mother. I think it has a very bad influence on young people promoting sex because young people tend to do or believe that whatever they see on TV it is right and true.

     Contrary to focus in the education that is more important, as Sexton comments, education is totally unnecessary on reality TV, so "why go to school and face the difficulties of learning something". If the easiest way to get lots money is going to a reality TV show.

     Education it is the most important necessity to succeed in the life. Six years ago when i lived in Chile i was watching TV and they were showing a reality TV show called "fama" or fame. One of my friend loved the program and was totally freaking out with "fama". Once he realized that a reality TV show was a easy way to be famous, make money, and without the necessity to have education. My friend leave her studies, became very famous, and also made lots of money, But her money and fame did not last long because she did not have an education and unfortunately a person without education in Chile has very few opportunities to be successful.

     In conclusion, I Think that reality shows doesn't have anything positive or Educational. Otherwise people have to get away from these bad influence because we know that education is the key to success instead image or competition.

Blog 12: Summary and Response to "Red Pill or Blue Pill?"

     In the article" Red pill or blue pill is ignorance bliss? adapted by "The Matrix, liberal education, and other splinters in the mind" by Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcolmson. Explain to us similarities between the Alice's Wonderland story and the movie" The Matrix".

     Cornell and Malcolmson explain to us that Neo and Alice were gone" through a mirror" to a new world subjecting them to a series of experiences, where all of these changes keep them in a big confusion which leave them questioning who they are? What is real? Or are they dreaming?.

     Cornel and Malcolmson continued with" The Allegory of The Cave about liberation of one of the prisoners from the light of the cave that is a "shadowy" world to the light of the sun, that is the real world. Outside of the cave to the bright light is an unpleasant and painful experience. "As Morpheus explains to Neo", he had never used his eyes before, so now he is seeing the truth of pain, hurt and the real world.

     However, the authors continue comparing a difference between "The Matrix" and "The Allegory of the cave" from Plato's Republic. Socrates describes the outside world of the cave as "more beautiful" full of sunlight. On the other hand, Morpheus describes the real world as "The Desert of the Real" dark and phony. Despite Plato and the Wachowski brothers show us in a different way the real world, they definitely agree that "freedom is not something that most people are going to be inclined towards or be receptive to".

     Cypher, Morpheus's crew had a conversation with agent Smith where he realize that ignorance is bliss because people believe what they see or hear, but once facts are out they ignore everything around them for their safety. In addition, Cypher prefers ignorance instead to have to take orders from some one else, he wants to be free to do what he wants including restraints and responsibilities.

     They finish the article pointing that "The Matrix" leaves a question about us "why do we want to know the truth?. They also agree that most people would not choose ignorance instead of the real world. Independently if truth brings disappoint, "it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied".

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blog 11: Responding to a significant topic in The Truman Show

1.I would Choose to live in Cristoff’s world because everything is innocent. Seems that in Cristoff’s world there is no malice or any delinquent tendencies. By any means necessary Truman was protected…

2.At the same time would I be comfortable with people lying to me. Obviously if you don’t know the truth sometimes you won’t feel the pain of being lied to.

3. We live based on lies. And while growing up and maturing we keep noticing that our world is not as perfect as it seems to be. Its easy to manipulate s person based on lies. That we was once innocent until we were able to realize the truth. Once we noticed the truth about society instead of us making changes for the better we continue to accept the malice. We lost that innocent self in our lives.

4. Christoff wants to eliminate him from “learning” that the outside world is not perfect. He wants him to stay innocent. So that he won't learn the wrong doing that our society lives by. Examples Accidents, infidelity, corruption, and homelessness.

5. The problem he left in Truman’s world was deceive. In one of the scenes he walks into an elevator and tries to use it. The elevator was actually a set of the community. Instead of it being real it was put there to deceive Truman into thinking its real.

Carolina & Julio.......We had problems doing the work so we tried team work.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blog 10: Reflection on Skills.

         1. What do you think you have learned in terms of writing skill?     

          In this class ENG 099 I have learned about all the most important writing skills to write a successful essay, that summarizing have to be in my own word and I should write the author’s mane on it.

        2.What proves that you have learned what you say you have learned?

        All my work in the blogs, I know they are not perfect at all, but I have been doing my best.

        3.What of the material we have covered is still unclear or confuses you?

        I missed the annotating class, so actually I am not very clear on which are the main points or what is really important to annotate.

        4.Would you say that overall you feel more confident about your understanding of basic writing skills, less confident, or about the same as when we started class? What makes you feel this way?
        I feel a little more comfortable with my writing, but sometimes I feel totally lost from one class to the other. My brain freezes and it is impossible focus on the lecture. I conscious that I need a lot of practice.                              
        5.Anything else I should know about?
        I would like to get more practice on annotating and paragraphing, and the other thing, could you comment on our blog to see what we did good or what we have to improve?

Blog 9: Reflecting on Paragraphing

  • What have you learned from the paragraphing class?
        I learned that a paragraph must have a topic sentence, develop the topic and use examples.
  • How do you know that you have learned it?
        I do not know, I did my best on blog 8, but I’ll see after Dr. X evaluation.
  • Can you describe how you learned it? 
         First at all working with mi group JAC, it is very good help working in group, and also the examples         Dr.X gave us .
  • What helped your learning? What made it difficult?
         Work with my group JAC, it is a good idea because we could help each other.
  • How do you feel after today's class?  
        Well to be honest I’m more confused after Monday’s class.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 8: Developing Your Summary and Response to "I Know the Truth, so Don't Bother Me with Facts"

     In the article “I know the true, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” what is being discussed is how humans have become extremely gullible. Despite the facts that have been presented through extensive research it seems that humans are more likely to dismiss new information: instead of embracing it. Although research continues to look into such ignorant behavior and study why it exist no conclusive results have been drawn. The main goal is to some how discover a way in which we can all find a common ground in which all that is spoken is supported with actual facts.
     I agree with Kluger when he states that “Humans have long been dupes, easily deceived by rumors and flat-out lies” because it is easy to manipulate people’s belief with different kind of facts, people’s beliefs are contradicted when subjects are presented with data.
     One case is that people believe on what they want to believe, but most of the time their belief are affected and make them doubt. On what they have believed the reason they are weakened when shown them with facts the beliefs that they had to a certain point of view totally erroneous.
This prove how easy it is to manipulate people’s belief system, but this does not mean that these evidence make people change on what they have believed before.
     Another case that contradicts people’s belief is for example; when we were young one of our common question to our parents is how babies are born? And when they face this situation is a little uncomfortable to explain or perhaps we are too young and won’t be able to understand, they make us believe that a bird called “Stork” is the one in charge to make and bring babies to the world. Even in cartoons you are going to see a stork carrying babies on the sky and leaving them on people’s homes, this make us grow up with this kind of thoughts, until we start school. There they show and teach us how really babies are born, at the beginning will be contradictory to us, but later as we mature, understand things and change the way we think about things that we believed at the beginning.
     In conclusion, we get to know that there are some of the factors that can prove us that we are mistaken to something, but it is up everyone to believe on what we want. The important thing here is on what we believe, make us happy because no body could come and make us change ours opinion.

Blog 4: Revision of "Hype."

Have you ever thing about how polluted our vision is with television commercials and publicity  announcements? . The other day I was reading an article “ Hype”  written by Kalle Lasn where he states that “ Advertisement are the most prevalent and toxic of all the mental pollutants”. Lasn also says that “ every day and estimated twelve billion display advertisements , three million radio commercials are dumped into north American’s collective unconscious”. Now advertisements are placed everywhere we go ; billboards . Buses , stadiums. Even youth children in the classroom watch snickers and Pepsi advertisements , and if you are driving in a country side you can see gigantic billboards all over the place. Lasn ends saying that with all these advertisement “ there is nowhere to run”.

Even if we try to run away from all these advertisements , it would be impossible to achieve, because there is not a place where you cant find them, even people is wearing these kind of publicity  promoting the brand.

I do not agree with Lasn when he says that “ Advertisement are the most prevalent and toxic of mental pollutants” because for me they are very interesting and fun, very relay able  and informative.

Now day  is true that no one escapes these commercials , even if you try you will not make it. In fact you just have to look at the electronic devices  , look at the time in the clock , or at the person that is next to you in the train with sunglasses or in any other place where companies can imagine  that we  might look at, what these companies try to achieve with this is  promote their product and to make people buy their product. I think that they really achieve their goal with their publicity.

On the other side we have the television commercials  and/or radio, billboards all around public transportation. Just like Lasn many people must believe that all these advertisements are absurd and useless, but I believe that many of them have never thought in all the work that is behind each of those advertisements. About how hard these people have to work to create these publicity. I consider myself a consumerist because many times I’ve fallen in these publicity when I see all these stores having all sorts of sales.

In conclusion all these advertisement will be around you forever and you can not avoid them. Make the best of these advertisement and learn or take something positive about them.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 7: Reflecting on Thesis-based Writing.

  • What have you learned from the thesis-based writing class? 
    I have learned that a claim it the author's position in any kind of subject and that a thesis statement it is the combination of the claim in one sentences with some reasons.
  • How do you know that you have learned it?
    Because i guess that i did a good job in class.
  • Can you describe how you learned it?
    I learned with the discussion that we have in class and with that work that we did in groups.
  • What helped your learning? What made it difficult?
    what help me was that practices with a group.
  • How do you feel after today's class?  
    I am still felling a little confused but i guess that we more practice will be better for a next essay

Blog 6: Things I do Not Believe in Any More.

i used to believe "el viejo del saco" when i was a child my parents used to tell me that if i do something bad, like do not eat my food,do not do my homework, or fight with my brother. This person "el viejo del saco" will come to caught me in the night.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


In Plato's "The allegory of the cave" Socrates tells a story to his student Glaucon to explain the human nature. Socrates told his student to imagine some prisoners living in a cave. These prisoners since they were born have been chained and unable to move, so that they can only see before them. Behind them there is a fire that illuminate the cave, and between them there is a road. Where on this road there are men passing by, some of them are talking, others carrying statues and other objects. Between these men and prisoners there is a wall, where at the end only the shadows of the objects and the men are projected. After that, a prisoner is freed and forced  to get up and walk to the light, look at the other side of the cave. There he learn a totally different world to the one he knew. Where was what he was taught was real, was not in this world.

When he gets back to the cave with all the wisdom he experienced outside of the cave, he would have his eyes obfuscated for the darkness, and he would be unable to distinguish the shadows and the others would laugh at him. They would say that going up had damaged his eyes and that his trip had been in vain.

My point of view to this allegory is how the human nature respond to our knowledge, our humanity lives just like these men at the darkness. We just see what we have in front of us, we get into our world and we do not see the rest. We interpret things on our own way of thinking. We live in the ignorance when our preoccupations refer to the world that offered to senses, where only the wisdom let us free and get out of our cave to a world of ideas or to a real world.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 3

  • What have you learned from the Summarizing class?
         I have learned that when i have to summarize something i have to do it using my own words and most of the time i have to use the author's name and the tittle of the article.
  • How do you know that you have learned it?
       I know because i could write a better summary using what i learnd in class.
  • Can you describe how you learned it?
      Reading and re-reading the article, using the ideas and strategies that we used in the last class.
  • What helped your learning? What made it difficult?
        What helped me was the lesson that we had in class and those strategies that Dr. X gave us.
  • How do you feel after today's class?
       I am still feeling lost and a little frustated, but i think that i did a good job. Overall, I still nedd more practice.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Thought time is unbelievable the increase in commercials spots in our world. Everywhere you are going to see a commercial logo in front of your way. In an article "Hype" written by Kalle Lasn talks about how America's view is totally figured out with logos or any product message, where is very difficult find a place without these spot where our eyes could get a rest.

I totally agree in what the writer says in the article, is really difficult to find a place where your eyes could get a little rest of all these commercial spots. It is incredible how our world every day is getting worst, everywhere that you go there are commercial spots that your eyes are going to read . Also, if you are watching TV, all that kind of commercials where most of them do not give people a good advised to take from them.

what I expect from this class

I would like to improve my English, pass the CAT-W and finally get into ENG 101